Acupuncture has existed in China for thousands of years. Ancient Chinese practitioners
believed that every being possesses a life energy called Chi. Just as your blood flows through you veins and impulses
flow through your nervous system, they postulated that your Chi flows through your body along special conduits called meridians.
These meridians allow a form of "energy communication" between disparate parts of your body. When this communication
is effective and free-flowing, the body is healthy and injuries and conditions heal quickly. If the transmission
of the Chi is interrupted or diverted, the body falls into disrepair or illness and does not heal quickly.
Acupuncture was developed to stimulate the correction of energy imbalances along the
meridians. By bettering the flow of Chi, the body if left free to heal itself and/or improve overall mental and physical
well-being. Acupuncture practitioners have identified twelve primary meridians and eight secondary meridians linking
over 2000 acupuncture points. Some researchers have proposed that, rather than correcting a person's Chi, the application
of acupuncture works by stimulating the body's natural production of endorphins or by activating the natural immune-response
mechanisms we all have. In any case, millions of people around the world have come to rely on acupuncture to create
or maintain complete wellness.
Acupuncture is safe, sanitary, and has become accepted as a main-stream technique
for complete wellness by natural-care proponents all over the world. Dr. Jafari is a skilled acupuncture practitioner
who can provide further information and advice on which acupuncture treatment may fit into your overall wellness goals.