. Jafari Chiropractic and Acupuncture Center is conveniently located just
South of Thomas Road on the west side of 36th Street in Phoenix.
2814 N. 36th Street Phoenix, Arizona, 85008
We can be reached for appointments
and information during normal business hours at:
You can email Dr. Melody Jafari at:
Our Hours: Mon, Wed, Fri : 9am-12noon and 2pm-7pm
Health and Wellness

Jafari Chiropractic and Acupuncture Center is pleased to work with several
Insurance companies that recognize the importance of Chiropractic, Acupuncture, and Physical Therapy Care and the tremendous
benefits this care provides in health maintenance and in the recovery from pain and certain conditions. We encourage
you or call us to find out if your insurance company covers these specific treatments.
